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Church Membership


If the Bible is the cornerstone of our church, then membership is the cement 

which binds all together.  Paul and Jesus Christ pointed us toward 

membership for our encouragement, protection, and instruction.  We seek 

to carry out this vision through membership at the First Baptist Church.  

Membership in the church is a first step toward belonging to a community, linking 

hands and hearts, and walking forward with the faithful in fellowship and ministry.  

It is a way to affirm care for others, to be cared for, to share one’s gifts – both 

spiritual and physical – and to receive the encouragement of the faith community.


How Do I Join?

Most often, someone becomes a candidate for membership by walking 

forward during the singing of the Hymn of Commitment at the end of the 

worship service and informing the pastor that he or she would like to 

become a member.


Ways to Become a Member

–By profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, a decision 

symbolized by believer’s baptism by immersion;

–By ‘transfer-of-letter’ from another Baptist church;

–By statement of baptism and profession of faith in a church of another 

tradition or in a church which may no longer have a record of your 

membership; or

–By ‘watch-care.’  Watch-care members retain their membership in 

another church but indicate their desire to affiliate with us as well, 

perhaps because they are in our area temporarily or for only a part of 

the year.


If you would like to talk more about our church family or wish to become a 

member of the First Baptist Church, call us on 423/743-9156.

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The First Baptist Church of Erwin  |  200 Love Street or P.O. Box 526  |  Erwin, TN 37650  |  |  423/743-9156

Privacy Policy | Business Office Hours:  Tuesday – Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.


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